Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For

For as long as I can remember, I've always envied those whose social calendars were full during the Christmas Season. I've read magazine articles giving advice on planning your December in order to avoid stress and enjoy the busy times.

Until recently, I had a very small circle of friends and my family was small. There were never a lot of parties, usually a family visit and a party at church. Not much else. When I was working, there was the Christmas Party and maybe some cookies on Christmas and New Years Eve. We very rarely went out on New Years Eve.

This year is different. I've made a lot friends here in the community and I'm very busy. It seems that this week I've got something to do every day, including three parties. My tree sits in the corner of the room, still bare, my Christmas Cards are still in their boxes, but I do have my stamps. I want to have a party with my in-laws the weekend before Christmas and I just learned that my cousin will be in the area that Sunday and will try to come see me. I also want to have some sort of party with all my new friends.

I just started my Christmas shopping tonight, but haven't even started baking cookies yet. I also want to make some chocolates which I haven't done in many, many years.

Sometimes it feels overwhelming. If it seems like I'm complaining, I'm not really. I think that I'm so surprised that I have so much going on that I have to keep talking about it. Who would have thought that at my age (retired) I'd have such a social life. Although I always said I'm a late bloomer and will be the talk of the old age home.


ms/sss said...

Good for you, Mom! Good for you! And I wish I could be a fly on the wall at that old age home!
Merry Christmas!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Hah! Sounds like we're both a little overwhelmed. It's great that your full list is because of having an excess of friends! :-)