Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Book

Today I bought something I've wanted for a long time. I bought a dictionary. Not just any dictionary, but WEBSTERS NEW EXPLORER ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY, 2006 Edition. I got a great price - 15.98, reduced from $39.95. I had looked at other dictionaries, more up-to-date ones, but they were much too expensive, in the neighborhood of $130.00. I like words, but not that much.

When I was a child, my parents had a WEBSTERS DICTIONARY. It was great, there was a guide to grammar and punctuation along with a listing of geographical names and meanings of people's names. In the back, there were maps of all the countries and the continents. I spent many hours just looking at those maps. I also spent a lot of time just picking a word and checking the meaning, pronunciation and spelling.

I'm so looking forward to spending time with my new dictionary and checking out the new words that have been added such as "air rage", "animatronics", "duh" and "usb". One of these days I may even amaze you with my extensive vocabulary.

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