Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Our Singles Club has taken on a new project. We are going to be collecting recipes from the community and then publishing a cookbook.

We had our first planning session tonight and I was made a co-chair. Being the Foodie that I am, I'm looking forward to checking out the recipes and maybe even trying them. It's going to be a lot of work and I'm hoping we get a lot of submissions from our neighbors.

There are so many things to be done. We have to plan the cover and format, set a date for publication, make sure all the recipes are written in the same format and most importantly sell enough to make a profit that we can give back something to our community.

Oh, what have I gotten myself into? I have to volunteer for everything. Does anyone have a cure for volunteeritis?


Snooty Primadona said...

You need to check out BookSmart. You can assemble it online and have it published for next to nothing with a choice of paperback, spiral, hardback, etc.


HMK said...

Only the age old one- the word -"no."