Thursday, March 15, 2007

Memory Lane

A friend recently sent me this site which contains pictures and some bits of history of various neighborhoods in NYC.

I had a good time checking out Woodhaven and Richmond Hill. Those are the two areas I know best. I grew up in Woodhaven and only left the area about eight years ago. It was a great place to live, but I grew tired of the concrete and crowding. If only we could have eliminated every other house on our block I'd still be there.

My ties to the area are so strong that I won't change my dentist or hairdresser, even though it takes at least 1 1/2 hr. to get there.

I had a lot of fun growing up. On hot summer days, one of the neighbors would set up a garden hose on a clothesline and make a shower for all the children on the block. Everyone knew everyone else. We were out playing all day, coming home only for meals. We knew when it was time to come in. When the street lights went on, we went home.

It was a great time. The pictures on Forgotten NY have brought back so many happy memories.

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