Monday, October 25, 2010


Through the course of our lives, we have many different types of friendships. There are the friends from kindergarten or the early grades of school, then there are the friends from high school or college. Then there are the friends from our various jobs. Some of them are lifetime friends, and others are there for a short time.

I've been very fortunate. On most of my jobs I had good friends, most of them are still my friends. On one job I had a good friend. We seemed to have a lot in common. She was there for me in the good times and also, and the most important, for the bad times. I like to think that I was there for her too.

About five years ago, she stopped returning my e-mails and phone calls. Thinking that I may have inadvertently offended her, I apologized. Still no replies. I guess you could say I'm very possessive. When I have a good friend, I hate to let go even when it seems evident that my friendship was one sided. I finally decided to write this friend off as a friend from work that you keep in touch with for a little while, but then you go your separate ways. That was the case with this friend.

Imagine my surprise and joy when I opened my email last week and saw an email from her. She has made the decision to retire. We caught up on family matters. Hopefully, we can continue renewing our friendship.

1 comment:

Snooty Primadona said...

Wow! How great is that? There was an article in MORE about this very thing last month or the month before, I think. It was about how we go through phases & stages with friends and how they come & go. Very interesting....