Saturday, January 31, 2009

Missed Photo-Op

How I wish I had had a camera this morning.

First some background. Every morning, I feed the cats then read my e-mail and blogs. Then it's time to shower. Usually Crash and Burn are hovering around me, but today was different. Only Crash was around and I wondered where Burnie went. He wasn't napping in any of his usual spots.

Instead of making my bed, I decided to change my sheets today, so I emptied the pillow cases and just tore my quilt from my bed. There, all comfy under the quilt was Burnie. He woke up, shook his head in disbelief and wonder. His look said, "What happened" and then, "How dare you disturb my sleep". After I took the sheets off, I picked him up, put him back on the bed and covered him with the quilt and he happily went back to sleep.

I shouldn't have been too surprised that he was there. I often go into one of the bedrooms and see a lump on the bed. Burnie loves to climb up under the covers and nap for hours and hours. But I thought he only liked neatly made beds.

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