Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weatherman Strikes Again

Yesterday I received a weather warning stating that my area was about receive a severe storm. We could expect snow, followed by rain and sleet and falling temperatures. Since I had no major plans for the day I wasn't too concerned.

This morning when I woke up, I heard the snowplow and realized the weatherman was right. Then I looked out the window. There was a lot of snow on the lawn and about an inch on the walkway. Then it started raining. Then the temperature started rising to 47 degrees. It got very foggy and it's been raining off and on all day. The temperature is now 39 degrees and may drop to 27. So much for the severe storm.

The weatherman was wrong again and I was so looking forward to some snow.


Snooty Primadona said...

Yes, the same thing happened here, only minus the snow. 61 one day, 27 the next, then 61 today. Widiots!

Pamela said...

we've had between 30 and 40 inches of snow in the past 6 weeks

but there are only little piles of it here and there. (Where it got shoveled etc)

I think we're done. cross fingers.