Saturday, June 16, 2007

A very dear friend has a son who was an undercover detective for the NYPD. As the towers were collapsing on 9/11, he was there and worked there for three months. Now he has B-cell lymphoma which has been traced to that time there.

He and his partner are profiled in THE NEW YORK TIMES New Jersey Section There is a video available online, along with an article on them,

I know it's been hard on my friend, but she's taking it one day at a time and making the most of their time. It must be very hard knowing that there's nothing you, as a mother, can do to make everything OK again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If we knew how hard it was going to be, would we have gone ahead and had our children? I think, "Yes." The video about Ernie and Mike was beautiful. Thank you for sharing that and letting them be a part of our lives, too. What a great friendship these two men now have. My thanks for their sacrifice for me, for us!