Monday, June 25, 2007


About a week or so ago I reported on what I believe is unfair reporting on auto accidents. I've been checking reports and here are some headlines:

Out-of-Control Car Smashes into House - ABC News - Chicago - No identity or age given for driver

Cop's Pop Dies in One of Three Brooklyn Crashes - NEW YORK POST - A 58 year old man from East New York; a 20 year old passenger on a motorcycle - no age for the driver; a livery cab jumped a curb and left two teenagers in critical condition - no age given for the driver.

Daredevil Doc Killed on L.I.E. - NEW YORK POST -64 year old man. About a mile away a 48 year old man was killed when the left side of his car was smashed by a dump truck that had gone through a red light - no age given for dump truck driver.

Toddler Mowed Down by Driver, 84 - NEW YORK POST - An 18 month old was killed when the driver backed out of her driveway.

Flatiron Taxi Terror - NEW YORK POST - A runaway cab jumped the curb and drove into a rush-hour crowd, no age given for driver.

Brooklyn Gatecrasher - NEW YORK POST - This time a Honda went out of control and smashed through the brick and wrought iron fence of a house, no age given for driver.

Aside from the fact that there is danger on the road, the reporters fail to mention the age of the driver, unless that driver is over 55. This kind of reporting leads people to think that drivers over 55 are all bad drivers and lose control of their cars. The truth is, any driver has the potential to lose control. More emphasis should be on driver ability and less on age. I admit, some elderly people should not drive, and there are also some young people who should have not gotten a license. No group has a monopoly on driver ability and safety.

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