Sunday, November 25, 2007

Old Friends

A while ago I wrote about finding and reuniting with old school friends through I also got in touch with a friend from my first job ages and ages ago.

She recently wrote me about another friend from that job. It seems that she was playing around with Google and checked on Grace Brophy. I've also reconnected with Grace and found that she had written a book, a mystery called, "The Last Enemy". This book is set in Italy and features Commissario Cenni. It's a good story and the descriptions of Italy make you feel like you're there. I've just gotten word that Grace has written another Commissario Cenni book titled, "A Deadly Paradise". It won't be released until May 2008 and I'm really looking forward to reading it.

It's so good to reconnect with old friends and to find out how well they're doing. That first job was great. It was a small company, Buell Engineering Co., and we were like a family. We all cared about each other and were very disappointed when the company moved to Pennsylvania and we all had to go our separate ways. I'm so glad I've kept in touch with some and reconnected with others.

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