Saturday, April 26, 2014

Crash here.  I'm so tired.  The past few days, Mom has been so busy, she hasn't had any time for me and I keep following here around the house so I don't get a nap.
Anyway, today I found out why she was so busy.  She was planning a party for her birthday.  She's 75 years old and thinks that makes her special.  Big deal.  I did hear that she was born on the day that the World's Fair opened, that must have been a big deal.

She didn't want Burnie and me at the party, so we were locked up all afternoon.  Can you imagine that, we weren't welcome.  We live here too, we should have been invited.  It was very loud, I couldn't sleep a wink.  There must have been a million people here, at least it sounded like it.

There was one good thing about being locked up with Burnie.  We got some catnip as a bribe to stay in our room and not make too much noise.

Anyway, happy birthday mom.  How come you never give me a  birthday party.  If you don't know the date, you can always make one up.  You could bake me a catnip cake.  That would be good.

1 comment:

Snooty Primadona said...

Belated Happy Birthday! Sounds like it was a really good one.