Saturday, April 18, 2015


Hi everyone, it's me  Burnie.  It's a beautiful day here in New Jersey.  The sun is shining and everything is coming to life.

It's gotten nice enough for me to go to all the trouble of getting up onto the window ledge and look out.  The garden is coming along, there are some flowers and a few weeds (that won't make mom happy).  There are even some people out walking.

I haven't seen any dogs yet, maybe it's not nice enough for them yet.  Sometimes I think about going outside and playing with them, but mom says that cats are not supposed to roam the streets here.  I guess it's just as well, as I remember, it wasn't much fun dodging cars before I walked into our home in Queens. 

I had some really big dogs to play with there.  We used to run all around the house, up the stairs, down the stairs.  That's where I hurt my hip, trying to run as fast as those big dogs and beat them up the stairs.  Sometimes I fell.

Oh well, being inside is good and the best part is that there are no big dogs and no stairs.

1 comment:

Vicki Boster said...

Cathy-- what a beautiful "tuxedo" cat!! We have one too-- sort of. He's a stray but shows up at our house every now and then. Last week he showed up with some serious wounds from a fight. $200 later-- he's all stitched up, neutered, and healing in a cage in our living room-- lol. Guess he's mine now for sure!