Saturday, September 1, 2012

Yesterday I mentioned our trip to the Evergreen State Fair and the animals we saw.  While we were at the building with the goats, we saw a crowd around these young kids.  There was a gate covering an opening in the fence.  One of the kids squeezed through the holes in the gate and trapped himself.  He couldn't turn around.  I remembered my camera and took these two videos.  Hope you enjoy them.
I'm new at this, hope you can access them.


BetteJo said...

I was able to view them right here, no problem. Cute little things, aren't they? I hope someone got them out before more of them got stuck in there. :)

Moms Musings said...

I had a really good time. I've never been to a state fair before. I did have a fried pierogi which was very good. I passed on the deep fried Snickers though.