Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Strange News

I just got home from a Board Meeting in the community. It deteriorated into a shouting match. Fortunately, I had some off-the-wall news that gave me a good laugh.

You've probably heard already about the Iranian cleric who is blaming promiscuous women who wear revealing clothing for the many earthquakes around the world this year. He claims that women who don't dress modestly lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society which increases earthquakes.

Then, last month a decorated Gulf War hero receivd a letter from the Veterans Affairs Administration that said, "We are working on your claim for menstrual disorder". That's very nice of them, but the claim was submitted for fibromyalgia and was submitted by Glenn McBride a 40 year old man from Roanoke, VA. The VA is notorious for bungling health care benefits. Because of Mr. McBride's experience with the VA, he was very explicit on the form for SERVICE CONNECTION FOR FIBROMYALGIA.

Mayor Bloomberg of New York isn't content with playing food policeman with the citizenry. Now, he wants to increase their appreciation of art. First, there were the Gates, a succession of orange cloths flapping in the breeze. Then, he tried to rival Niagara Falls by having an 80 foot high waterfall under the Brooklyn Bridge. Unfortunately, the drifting saltwater it churned up ruined the River Cafe's garden and ravaged mature trees by the score.

By far the worst that I can think of is the latest. The mayor, in his infinite wisdom, has allowed Antony Gormley to put cast iron men in Gormley's likeness on building tops and ledges in the city. One such figure was perched on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building. It looked so much like a suicide attempt that it drew many police to the area. They could have been put to better use fighting criminals, not trying to save a suicidal statue.

The mayor seems to think that orange sheets, fake waterfalls and suicidal statues will draw tourists to the city. With all the wonderful sites in the city, the museums, architecture, zoos and shows there is no need for such "art" It adds nothing to the stature of NYC.

1 comment:

BetteJo said...

If the mayor likes all that stuff so well - let him foot the bill himself. He can afford it, the city cannot.
Or maybe it's stimulus money?