Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Panic in New Jersey

Today, while I was sitting at my desk in the clubhouse, it started shaking, seeming to move from side to side. Not knowing what was happening I started to wonder what was wrong with me. Was I going to pass out? Was I dizzy? Then I looked at my water bottle. The water was sloshing from side to side. Then I knew I was OK.

Immediately women came rushing out of the various rooms asking if I felt that. What was it? They were all upset. Cell phones weren't working. They wanted me to call the police to find out what happened. I told them that if there were a real emergency, the police would be too busy to take my call and besides they have a reverse 911 system which calls everyone in the town and warns them about problems.

We finally found out that there was an earthquake in Virginia. But it's the talk of the community.

For me, it was my first time.


Staci said...

I've only felt one quake and it was just last year - more like a sonic boom than prolonged shaking. Mother Nature/Mother Earth is quite the exciting lady, no?

Pamela said...

I remember thinking the exact same thing a few years ago when I was sitting at a desk and a small quake hit.