Friday, July 6, 2012

Blame President Truman

That's where it started.  About 6 years ago when I took my cross-country drive, I found myself in Missouri, Independence to be exact.  I thought to myself, since I'm so close, I should visit President Truman's library.  That started my obsession/interest in presidential homes and libraries.

So far, I've only visited two others - the Kennedy Library in Massachusetts and Sagamore Hill, the home of Teddy Roosevelt.  They have been interesting trips and I've learned a few things.

In the next few weeks I hope to visit Gettysburg and the Eisenhower Farm.  That will make four homes or libraries.  I'm trying to  put a few days together to visit Hyde Park, the home of FDR.

When I was in high school, I visited Mount Vernon, George Washington's home.  I really can't count that since I was very young at the time and didn't fully appreciate the history.

I've got to get a list of nearby presidential homes in the east so I can make a good historical road trip.  Maybe next year I'll plan a trip to California for the Reagan and Nixon Libraries and then to Texas for three libraries - LBJ and the two presidents Bush.

Does anyone out there know of any other presidential homes or libraries?

1 comment:

BetteJo said...

I know I visited some historic Lincoln places when I was a kid here in Illinois. But it would have been a log cabin or something and I don't remember!