Saturday, April 18, 2020

More frightening than the virus

I know I'm going to receive a lot of criticism for what I am about to say and that's OK.  I still have the freedom to speak my mind.  There is something more frightening than this virus in my opinion.

I've been watching how quickly we citizens have accepted the limits on our freedoms.  I've heard stories from small business stores that have shut down while the big box stores carrying some of the same products have been allowed to stay open.  Farmers are not able to sell their produce because restaurants and small groceries are closed.

Some state governors have put into effect regulations that make absolutely no sense.  In Michigan, if you live in one part of Michigan and have a summer home in another part, you cannot visit your summer home, but if you live in one of the neighboring states and have a summer home in Michigan, you are free to travel to that home.  You cannot go fishing, but you can take your kayak on the lake.  Unless you are on a large party boat, which I doubt they have on the lakes in Michigan, fishing is a solitary sport.  You don't want to be close to another fisherman, you don't want competition for your bait.

I watched an interview with a man in New Mexico who owns a small gun shop.  He also has a target range which was used by law enforcement to maintain their skills.  His shop was shut down, however, the local Walmart continues to have the ability to sell guns.

Our elected officials need to have a lesson in civics.  My own governor has said that he believes the Bill of Rights is above his pay grade.  Does he not know that the Bill of Rights is part of our Constitution which he swore to uphold and defend.

I have no problem with wearing a mask when I leave my home, even though it fogs up my glasses  There is an advantage of wearing a mask.  You only need to use eye makeup to look properly groomed.

Elective surgeries have been  cancelled.  Imagine if you discovered a lump or suspect you may have cancer, you would want to know immediately so you could start treatment.  Then, you hear from your doctor that the biopsy procedure is considered elective and has been postponed.  How many of you would be willing to wait to find out.  Wouldn't you want to know as soon as possible so you could start treatment.

I agree with our president that we must start reopening our country.  The price of this shutdown is too high.  There have been reports that  domestic abuse,  and suicides have increased.  If people would use common sense, we could go back to our normal lives.  Wear a mask, keep your distance from other people and stay home if you're not feeling well.  Naturally, there are areas, like New York City that do need more stringent rules.  There would have to be limits on the amount of people using the subways, or maybe the subways could be shut down.

Lest you think that I am a callous youngster, let me say that I am in a higher risk group - I am considered "elderly", but I believe that with some common sense, we could reopen our country.  Every job is "essential", especially if it is your job.

If we can be made to stay home, close businesses and schools because of a virus, how easy would it be for some elected official to declare that it is necessary to stay home because the sun is too strong, it's too cold, etc.

Just use your common sense and you will be OK.

(Signed) The Mouse that Roared

1 comment:

momcat said...

Good for you! I share in everything you said! I pretty much knew from the media hysteria from the start that this was going

to go way over the top! UNBELIEVABLE....seriously......and, more than that...just as you said...FRIGHTENING!

I can't believe that this is happening to us in the this point, it is political. As for us in NJ, we may be wearing masks for month!