Thursday, August 2, 2018

Lesson Learned

Whenever I go food shopping and buy packs of individually wrapped servings, I always empty the package and put the pieces in the freezer.  Usually, this works very well, I can see what is in the package and cook accordingly.
The other day while rummaging through the freezer I found some frozen fish, without a label.  I knew it wasn't salmon since it was white, but I didn't know what it was, there was nothing on the label.  I guess they thought their customer was intelligent enough to know what kind of fish it is if they don't keep it in the original packaging..

I had a vague recollection of looking at halibut, so I decided that's what it is.  Now I had to find a recipe for halibut.  I went online and found one - Halibut with Balsamic Glaze.  I even had all the ingredients - halibut (I think), balsamic vinegar, honey (even though it's almost solid) and garlic.  It was so easy and quick. I tried it.  It was very good and I will definitely make it again.

AND the next time I empty a package of frozen fish, I will definitely make note of what it is if it's not salmon.