Yesterday's massacre in Texas has again started the gun debate. They can't even let the living mourn and bury their dead before blaming the tool used and not the user of that tool.
Many people are giving their opinion, so I might as well give mine. The Las Vegas massacre, the West Side Terror Attack and now the Texas massacre all seem to have one root problem. There is no respect for life, human or animal.
We live in a disposable world. Inconvenient pregnancy - abort, terminal illness - pull the plug or assisted suicide, child misbehaving - punish/beat/starve to eliminate the problem, family disagreement - kill who you disagree with, sick pet - put it down. Life has been put on the same level as machinery - car giving you problems - junk it, computer running slow - get rid of it.
I have a theory about the lack of respect for life, but it will never be proven because it is not politically correct to do any studies on it. I feel it all started in January 1970. That was when the Supreme Court decided it was OK to kill an inconvenient or ill baby because the pregnant woman did not want a child.
We hear all to often about child abuse, elder abuse and now mass killings. Where will it all end. How many more will die because so many people won't respect the life of family members, neighbors, unborn children, churchgoers, etc.